Information for New Suppliers

Procedures for a New Company to Sell Distilled Spirits in North Carolina

Basic Guidelines to assist new companies with the listing of spirituous liquor.

             Case Code Label Requirements / Pallet Specifications
             ABC Warehouse Special Service Charges
             Guidelines for Special Orders

The ABC Commission holds meetings twice yearly to consider products for listing. Companies who wish to sell distilled spirits in the State of North Carolina, must be represented by a resident North Carolina Broker. The broker (chosen by you) will make the presentation of your product(s) at the listing meetings. The markup formula used by North Carolina may be found in the  Spirituous Liquor Pricing Breakdown

Your broker will inform you if the product(s) have been approved for listing.

Once a product is approved, the ABC warehouse will assign it an allocation. The warehouse, not the ABC Commission, sets policies regarding deliveries.

Spirituous liquor products which are not included on the approved state price listing, may be approved for special orders. A Spirituous Liquor Special Order is made when a customer contacts a local ABC Board and requests to purchase one or more bottles of spirituous liquor. The local ABC Board then makes a request to the ABC Commission for this product. The Commission contacts the vendor for the price(s) and advises the local board, who then advises the customer. If the customer wishes for the product to be special ordered, the ABC Board will order the appropriate number of cases through the ABC Commission. Special Orders may only be provided through a registered NC Spirituous Liquor supplier.

There is a Special Orders Database with a Special Orders Price List.

To become a supplier, the company is required by the NC ABC Commission to complete the application below and provide the necessary documents.

  1. Federal Basic Permit – Importer or Distilled Spirits, whichever applies, showing company name and address.
  2. Certificate of Authority from NC Secretary of State is required for all out-of-state suppliers to transact business in North Carolina. In-state suppliers must submit either their articles of incorporation or Articles of Organization, as filed with the NC Secretary of State.
  3. Send to the ABC Commission a completed Application for Supplier / Distiller Permit. This permit must be issued, and product codes assigned before shipments of products may begin.
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